Takes the reader into the psychology of work teams
Tony's unique book teaches ten, very sound principles of safety, but not as a stern lecture. Unlike some safety books there are no platitudes to choke on and there is no false moralizing to battle with. I cringed as I remembered very similar close calls of my own while reading through the chosen case study incidents, yet it is not a book of accident statistics. Tony's extensive industrial experience takes the reader into the psychology of work teams where safety culture has developed and then perhaps stalled or backfired a little, and then asks 'why'?
If you've worked in industry the issues addressed will read like the voices you've heard in your head as you've struggled to reconcile your own inconsistencies around safety behavior. You can also read this book as a primer, a bit of roleplay even, to prepare you for more productive safety related conversations with your team. Each chapter ends with a question to consider that will not allow you to deflect, but rather, encourages you to reflect.
One of my favorite chapters was 'Receiving the Message'. This one challenged my own emotional intelligence in a good way. The chapter story about the motor scraper repair gone bad was very instructive as well.
In 'Tuning In to Safety' Tony has done a great job of providing a practical guidebook for real, human teams.
Carl D. - Red Deer, Alberta, Canada