Gets to the core of workplace safety
Typically safety books focus on the overall culture within a work place. A culture directed and moved by operating procedures, bottom lines, and safety programs. Tuning into Safety moves past those things, and gets to the core of work place safety, which is the individual. This book looks at the personal side of safety, and the individual attitude. It helps one take an introspective look at why they would want to work safely, and the real cost of not maintaining those safe practices. It truly sheds light on what safety is ultimately about, which is folks taking control of their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of their co-workers. It provides tools, and challenges an individual to think, so they make smart decisions when it comes to their and their co-workers safety. This is an easy reader, and should be in the hands of everyone who has work boots on the ground.
Ryan S. - Fairbanks, Alaska